What is a Jam?
Game Jam is an accelerated game creation event where a game is created in a relatively short timeframe exploring given design constraint(s) and end results are shared publicly (in our case internally :)).
Who is allowed to tinyJam?
Anyone from tinyBuild or our internal (partner) studios.
When will newest jam week kick off?
We are starting April 10th and finishing in the evening of April 14th.
When is deadline to apply?
April 6th​
Is this happening at free time or during work hours?
It's happening INSTEAD of your current tasks. tinyJam is a way to take a break from your current project and gain new experiences and connection! A team-building thing, you might say. ​
How can I combine my current work and a tinyJam?
All you need is to inform​ your lead about your desire to participate in a jam. Then lead will help you to find the best way for you to take a break from your current project and fully dedicate to the jam!
Can I participate partially? (not full week)
Yes! If you can not find full time week to participate, you can jam for a few day during week, or certain hours.​
Teams would be assembled according to availability as well.
How teams would be assembled?
Everyone is free to choose. The idea is to have multiple teams of 3-4 people. ​You can assemble your own team or join any.
The ideas is so teams would be more or less equal in skill and ideally team members do not work with each other daily.
Does tinyJam has a theme?
Theme would be announced closer to the jam date!​
Where is the connection point of the tinyJam?
Join #tiny-jam channel in Slack! ​
I want to participate! What should I do?
That awesome! Click the red button below!​